The Best PR Firm for Startups is the one that provides both flexibility in its structure and creativity in its thinking, but always follows a process. Let me explain.

Startup PR is different than doing so for established companies, as the spokespersons may not have years of experience and results, and the Company lacks any industry reputation or online presence. This is, as they say, common sense.

Yet, I still find myself in so many conversations with CEOs, founders and entrepreneurs who all share some version of the same story: “We hired (insert name of big PR firm here) but they said it was too soon” or “we got a little bit of coverage but nothing that moved the needle” and my favorite “we think they’re really good at traditional PR but they were just too old fashioned,” etc.

The list goes on, but rather than discuss the negative, let’s share a few tips on how to get started:

  • Follow a process. It’s easy to get excited when launching a new business or product, but it’s best to implement a clear communications roadmap and process to achieve media and ultimately visibility. Set deadlines for drafting a press release, preparing the website and social media platforms, creating an email blast to appropriate networks, pitch to journalists under embargo, and ultimately – the launch date itself.
  • Be flexible. Journalists are both on the decline AND overwhelmed with work, so if you have a planned date for launch and a prominent journalist or publication wants to cover it but is unavailable due to another assignment, consider waiting. Not only will it increase the likelihood of a story, but it demonstrates good will with the journalist.
  • Have high res photos or video available. If your PR firm does their job and secures media interest, multimedia assets are convincing for story inclusion and also do a very good job of depicting the announcement in a visual manner to readers and viewers. They also have terrific SEO/ORM value.
  • Prepare your team. This suggestion is two-fold, as first you want to prepare your team internally so they don’t have questions about the product, company or its messaging, which ensures your message is consistent at all levels. The second aspect is how to leverage your team externally, meaning how can you prepare your team with content and information so they share with their networks and on social media.

Who is the best PR firm for startups? Those who listen, install process, remain flexible, think outside the box, and achieve the results your brand is looking for. Let the FischTank team know if you want to chat about it!

best startup PR firmpr for startupspublic relations

Eric Fischgrund

Eric Fischgrund is a father, husband, entrepreneur, writer, sports fan, music-lover, and founder and CEO of FischTank PR, a public relations and marketing firm based in NYC.

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