As the most innovative entrepreneurs and tech companies tackle the production of clean, renewable energy – usually powered by solar or wind – most energy and financial experts alike point to energy storage, namely batteries, as the “tipping point” for meet goals to reduce carbon emissions. Producing energy is easy, they say, it’s storing and optimizing it for use that’s so critical to bringing down cost and having it surpass fossil fuels forever. For this reason, energy storage PR and news is more important than ever. Be it residential, industrial, electric vehicle, personal electronics or other – innovations within battery chemistry and grid connectivity are going to be a difference maker.

Having worked with a number of leading international cleantech brands and investment groups, FischTank PR is well versed on energy storage PR. Here’s a round up of news that caught our eye in the energy storage industry: 

The Batteries of the Future Are Weightless and Invisible

“Today, batteries account for a substantial portion of the size and weight of most electronics. A smartphone is mostly a lithium-ion cell with some processors stuffed around it. Drones are limited in size by the batteries they can carry. And about a third of the weight of an electric vehicle is its battery pack. One way to address this issue is by building conventional batteries into the structure of the car itself, as Tesla plans to do. Rather than using the floor of the car to support the battery pack, the battery pack becomes the floor.”

Solar Foundation and Interstate Renewable Energy Council to Merge

“Working beyond solar made a lot of sense,” said Solar Foundation CEO Andrea Luecke, who will step down from her position. “There’s a push for clean energy and an emphasis on…technology-agnosticism. We really felt that trend.”

sonnen, Stanford teaming on technology for consumer load, DER coordination platform

“German battery maker sonnen is teaming with Stanford University’s Sustainable Systems Lab to test technology meant to be part of a platform for scalable and secure coordination of flexible consumer load and other distributed energy resources.”

Analysts: Storage a Matter of Dollars and Sense

“Solar and wind power project developers are recognizing the financial benefits that incorporating energy storage into their projects provides. Storage has become a major part of microgrid configurations, and commercial and industrial (C&I) enterprises are discovering it can improve the cost-effectiveness of their own installations. Continuing technology advancements bode well for growth in the sector as investments in storage become more attractive.”

Europe’s energy storage transformation

“European frequency control markets played a major role in energy storage uptake thanks to lucrative revenues and accessibility to new technologies such as batteries. In fact, batteries are well suited for primary reserve provisioning thanks to their fast response and the assets get remunerated by the grid operator for each MW available (payments in €/ MW/h) to ensure system resiliency.”

Looking for Energy Storage PR and News?

Is your company making news? Whether you’ve achieved a tech milestone, received funding, reached a sales target or established critical partnerships – FischTank PR can help you tell your story. There is only one earth (we think), and we’re here to play our small role in protecting it. E-mail us at [email protected] to chat.

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