The entertainment industry is historically been at the forefront of technological innovation and 2022 is no different for entertainment technology. For instance, companies have created and/or continued working on artificial intelligence (AI), the metaverse, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) – all top revolutionize how people and/or companies create and enjoy entertainment.

Here are some of our favorite entertainment technology PR stories to date:

AI takes the ‘real’ you into the metaverse – Reuters

“London-based startup Lumirithmic wants to help you step into the metaverse with your ‘real’ face instead of the cartoon-like avatars. Olivia Chan has more.”

The MTV VMAs debut category for best virtual and video game concerts – The Washington Post

“A new kind of concert has been making waves in the music industry — one that trades the tour bus for “Fortnite’s” Battle Bus. MTV announced a new award category Tuesday for the growing number of headlining musicians who have been staging interactive concerts inside video games: best metaverse performance.

The 2022 MTV Video Music Awards will be the first show in the company’s history to feature the category.

While some music lovers might write off virtual concerts as a fad, their popularity is undeniable. Over 12.3 million concurrent players attended Travis Scott’s Astronomical tour in “Fortnite.” (The YouTube recording of the concert has over 190 million views). Experts say this new wave of virtual performances won’t usurp in-person concerts any time soon but will still reshape the future of touring in some way.”

Will Superhero Hiatus Power Arthouses? ‘Emily The Criminal’, ‘Summering’ & ‘Fall’ Test Market – Specialty Preview – Deadline

“Lionsgate’s Fall opens in 1,548 locations. Directed by Scott Mann. Written by Mann and Jonathan Frank. It’s tracking to open in the $1.5 million range, as per sources, and cost an estimated $3 million.

Fall is also the first test run for director Mann’s AI company Flawless, which took an R-rated movie and used its “vubbing” TrueSync technology to tone down curse words, turning it into a PG-13 film without having to re-shoot anything.”

Comcast NBCUniversal Selects 12 Startups for 2022 LIFT Labs Accelerator – tvtech

“The startups are building immersive technologies and working on tech for the future of entertainment, gaming and virtual experiences, Comcast said

‘Through LIFT Labs, Comcast collaborates directly with startups at the forefront of new technologies in connectivity, media, and entertainment, with a curated, comprehensive and engaging program,’ said Danielle Cohn, vice president, startup engagement and head of LIFT Labs. ‘During the accelerator, and beyond, these founders will have unmatched opportunities to develop their emerging businesses and gain access to industry leaders and experts…’”

DinoTracker AR app puts Jurassic World characters in real spaces – VentureBeat

“Universal has announced its latest Jurassic World tie-in product: A Pokémon Go-style AR app called DinoTracker. It allows players to interact with dinos from the recently released Dominion film and to pick up small facts on their real-life counterparts.

Developed by Trigger XR, the game uses Niantic’s Lightship ARDK to recognize different surfaces and spaces and map the dino of the appropriate size to the space around the user.

‘Normally AR always appears as a top layer, which breaks believability. Now, with object occlusion, you can see a dino appear from behind a tree or hide behind objects in the sky. That adds a tremendous amount to the consumer feeling that it’s actually there.’ Dinos can also track users with their heads, and will become aggressive if they get too close.”

Hawk-Eye Partners With NFT Tech to Add Live Tracking Data to Sports NFTs – SportTechie

“Hawk-Eye Innovations, the Sony-owned optical tracking system used for officiating and data collection across major sports leagues, will expand its presence in the sports NFT space through its new partnership with NFT Tech, a Canadian company that is publicly listed on the NEO stock exchange in Toronto.

The deal will see Hawk-Eye build upon its initial NFT push that came when it created digital collectibles for this year’s Australian Open, in which those NFTs included on-court shot data collected by Hawk-Eye’s electronic line calling camera system used in the tennis tournament. Hawk-Eye will now accelerate integration of its live sports data into new collectibles with NFT Tech.”

***Guest post from FischTank PR intern Steven Young***

Looking for an entertainment technology PR firm?

FischTank PR works to help companies push their brand awareness and reputation. FischTank has assisted many entertainment technology companies through the use of media relations, speaking engagements, awards programs, thought leadership, and more.

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