Green hydrogen has garnered significant interest from investors, governments, energy producers and climate tech companies seeking to address manmade global warming. FischTank PR has worked with many of these companies ranging from start-up to those identifying sites and building infrastructure capable of producing renewable hydrogen at or near the point of distribution. Here are some of the stories that have recently caught our eye:

Australia commits to build $34 million renewable hydrogen plant in Victoria

“Australia has green-lit plans to build a A$51 million ($34 million) renewable hydrogen plant in Victoria state, Energy Minister Chris Bowen said on Saturday, as the country moves to cut carbon emissions and boost alternative power resources.

…..the 10 megawatts electrolyser to be built in Wodonga in Victoria would be bigger than any current such unit in Australia, and be used to blend green hydrogen into gas networks to supply around 40,000 homes.

construction of the new electrolyser – a technology for producing low-emission hydrogen from renewable power – would start this year, with the site set to go live in 2025….It will be powered by energy from a wind farm….”

Desalinated ocean water for green hydrogen production

“A California hydrogen developer and a Netherlands-based desalination company have formed a new partnership. The two will work together to produce green hydrogen fuel from desalinated ocean water. 

The two companies are currently developing how to optimize integration of the systems, which are highly modular and can be scaled from megawatt to gigawatt scale. Offshore wind energy was identified as a potential electricity source for the modular system, and solar is often a great match due to its high modularity and ability to be installed on bodies of water.

“Utilizing Aquastill’s membrane technology to efficiently produce green hydrogen from seawater has the potential to be a game changer for companies operating in coastal or rural regions that want to affordably and sustainably decarbonize,” said Arne Ballantine, chief executive officer of Ohmium International.”

Germany, South Africa agree to cooperate on green hydrogen projects

“Germany and South Africa on Tuesday agreed to cooperate on green hydrogen projects in the latest bid by Europe to tap into Africa’s huge renewable resource potential to meet 2050 net zero targets.

The partnership will “assist in creating business to business opportunities between our developers as well as off-takers in Germany,” Moshoeshoe said.

European countries are turning to Africa to secure future supplies of the fuel, investing heavily in green hydrogen projects in countries from Namibia to Morocco and Egypt to South Africa.

Last week, the Netherlands and Denmark launched a $1 billion green hydrogen fund in South Africa.”

Spain’s energy firms look to central Europe markets for green H2 deals 

“Spanish oil company Cepsa (CPF.GQ) signed on Wednesday two agreements aimed at shipping green hydrogen between Spain and the Netherlands, a day after renewable energy giant Iberdrola (IBE.MC) took a similar step.

The two Spanish companies are vying to become green hydrogen leaders, with planned investments worth billions of euros. The recent agreements will help them sell part of their expected production of green hydrogen and derivatives to industrial customers eager to decarbonise in Europe’s economic powerhouse, Germany, and neighbouring countries via the Netherlands.”

States charting the course on ‘green’ hydrogen 

“Perhaps the most groundbreaking state action is in Colorado, where Democratic Gov. Jared Polis signed a tax credit for companies that use hydrogen. The move — intended to spur the nascent industry — was paired with strict emission limits and offset requirements to ensure that hydrogen is actually “green.”

The Treasury Department is considering what requirements it will tie to federal green hydrogen tax credits. In a recent letter to several federal agencies, more than 130 lawmakers from 35 states and Puerto Rico urged the agency to adopt Colorado’s approach.”

India will put retaliatory barriers on green H2 trade, minister says 

“India will put up barriers in green hydrogen trade in response to other nations imposing restrictions, the nation’s renewable energy ministry said at a conference on Wednesday.

As one of the world’s biggest emitters of climate-warming gases, India is betting on green H2 to help cut its emissions and to reach its target of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2070.

India is already in discussions with Germany over conditions in its hydrogen purchase tender with the European Union, which members of Indian industry found restrictive, renewable energy secretary Bhupinder Singh Bhalla said last month.”

Want to learn more about renewable energy & sustainability PR

FischTank PR has worked with a number of companies developing renewable hydrogen technologies, and more broadly across climate tech and sustainability. Please contact us at [email protected] to learn more about our media relations and corporate communications services. 

*Article written by interns Veronica Riga and Bianca Roque*

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