Media pitching requires targeted, strategic pitching in order to secure interest from a reporter in potentially moving forward with your story. A quiet inbox can lead to questioning if the pitch was strong enough or if you’re targeting the right audience, or if it was even seen to begin with. The average reporter gets dozens of pitches per day – with many getting hundreds – so you have to ensure you stand out.  

The subject line is the first glimpse the writer or reporter will see of the story idea you’re pitching to them. Think of this as the first impression; it’s the reason someone will open the rest of the pitch. It’s important to note that a reporter will only see so much of the subject line, as email platforms and devices limit the number of characters shown – so how do you grab their attention with only a few words? Below are tips on writing a strong subject line:

  • Keep it short: According to our friends at Boomerang, three or four word subject lines get the most responses, so if yours needs to be longer ensure your extra words add value.
  • Summarize the pitch: This will give reporters a glimpse into what the entirety of your pitch is about, so give just enough information that they’ll want to open the rest of your email.
  • Eliminate filler words: Because the subject will make or break whether the reporter opens your pitch, eliminating filler words will allow you to add in more valuable information into the subject line.
  • Place important words at the beginning: Using the most important words in the beginning will guarantee that the person you’re pitching will know what it is you’re reaching out about without beating around the bush.
  • Be descriptive: Be short and to the point, giving enough detail that will make the reporter interested in learning more.
  • Consider mobile email readers: Those that are reading your pitch on their mobile device have even less space to read the full subject, making it important to take every step above into consideration, especially placing important words at the beginning.

The subject of your email should give away just enough information so that the journalist is left wanting to learn more. As soon as they open your email, the subject should flow right into the pitch. With a strong and informative subject, you’ll lead reporters right into the pitch, hopefully securing opportunities for a client.

Want to learn more about how FischTank can help enhance your media pitching strategy? Let’s talk: [email protected]

Media Coveragemedia pitchingmedia relationspitching

Carolyn Graber

Carolyn Graber is a Senior Account Executive at FischTank PR.

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