While we’ve tried to make an effort to highlight new additions to our team lately, we don’t want to overlook some of the folks who joined earlier this year. At the time we didn’t feel comfortable advertising, but in mid-March as the world seemingly began to crumble – we added three new PR professionals to the FischTank PR team. As the saying goes, better late than never!

Since these three – Alexis Winkler, Rebecca Revel and Spencer Herrmann – transitioned their careers during one of the strangest times in US history, we thought it would be a good idea to have them share their own stories:

Alexis Winkler 

“Starting a new job is typically nerve wracking but exciting for most people – starting at FischTank PR gave me that exact feeling, but amplified by a hundred! I finally got the job of my dreams after years of working towards it – but it couldn’t have happened at a more stranger time! My very first day starting in the office just happened to be the day before the pandemic was put in place, and being that the FischTank office is located in the beautiful New York City area, our office immediately went to remote. Next thing you know, I’m working from home six months later without ever meeting my coworkers in person! Since I’ve only been to the office once (for my interview!), getting adjusted to working in my own home was challenging at first, but thankfully the FischTank team managed to make it work and guide me along the way. Each day I learn something new from my virtual colleagues and I look forward to learning more!”

Rebecca Revel 

“The last thing I expected when accepting the job offer at Fischtank PR was not being able to set foot in the office and officially meet my colleagues in person – it’s now been 6 months and counting! And while permanently working from home was an adjustment, it was comforting to know that it was also an adjustment for the rest of my new colleagues who I had met over Slack. Starting a new job from home was definitely not normal, but it quickly and easily became the “new normal” for us all. In these circumstances, I couldn’t have picked a better company to start working for!”

Spencer Herrmann

“When I found out that FischTank PR worked in the Financial District, I was so psyched, but here I am six months later and have only been there once, for my pre-pandemic job interview. I’ve heard from other people what it was like to work from home full-time, but I’ve never done anything like it, let alone start a job off that way – but it wasn’t that bad! Everyone seems to “get it;” no one gets frustrated when I message them dozens of “new person” questions in lieu of leaning over my desk and asking in person. And with all the communication tools we have today, it’s a lot easier to get to know your team via the internet. What surprised me is how quickly I, and it seems like the rest of the team too, got used to working remotely. I can hardly even remember what my concerns about it were when it started and now I’m so used to it, I can barely recollect what life in an office was like.”

FischTank PR is always looking for new PR professionals to add to its team

Yep. We are still hiring. If you or any PR professionals you know may be a fit to join a growing PR firm working with exciting clients, please email [email protected] and follow us on LinkedIn. Thank you!

FischTank PRPR professionalsPublic relations firm

Eric Fischgrund

Eric Fischgrund is a father, husband, entrepreneur, writer, sports fan, music-lover, and founder and CEO of FischTank PR, a public relations and marketing firm based in NYC.

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