As we work from home and manifest our next travel plans, the world around us begins to navigate towards a healthier environment. Whether it requires you to wear a mask on your next flight, or actual barriers between desks in the office, when the going gets tough, businesses must find a way to make it work. Here’s a roundup of how some businesses are implementing new best practices to ensure safety for their workers and customers once they re-open their doors.

Welcome to your new, post-pandemic office

“When offices start to open up post-Covid, we’re going to start to see different barriers, like what’s being used at the grocery stores to protect employees,” said Rastegar. That could mean partitions, privacy panels or higher walls between desks.

This Fortune 500 company has a plan for reopening amid COVID-19 — and is sharing it with everyone

“The manual, a 51-page, highly detailed set of protocols for facilities on everything from creating an in-house pandemic response team to sanitation procedures for production lines to social distancing in break rooms, seeks to meld company practices with guidelines issued by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

‘This is the new flying etiquette:’ JetBlue is first U.S. airline to require passenger face masks

“This is the new flying etiquette,” JetBlue Chief Operating Officer Joanna Geraghty said in the statement. “Onboard, cabin air is well circulated and cleaned through filters every few minutes but this is a shared space where we have to be considerate of others.”

Airbnb is establishing a new cleaning protocol for hosts to limit spread of COVID-1

“According to a company statement published Monday, the 24-hour rule is recommended by the CDC. The protocol will offer detailed guidance on how to keep rooms clean during the coronavirus pandemic, and forms part of a broader cleanliness drive it calls its “enhanced cleaning initiative.”

The guidance will include specific information on COVID-19 prevention, such as the use of personal protective equipment, like masks and gloves for hosts or their cleaners, as well as disinfectants that are approved by regulatory authorities,” Monday’s statement read.”

Six Flags will require visitors to book in advance for post-pandemic opening

“Without a reservation system, there is the risk that more guests will show up than we are able to accommodate,” the release states. This way, guests can figure out in advance, before they arrive at the park, whether or not they will be permitted entry.

The system also allows the various park locations to limit the number of visitors to arrive at the front gates at a given time, thereby eliminating overcrowding. The system works in such a way that, when making a reservation, guests select not only the date in which they would like to visit but also the time, which is dependent on availability.”

Has your company announced any plans for re-opening? Have you seen news of other businesses and plans to re-open their doors? Let us know in the comments below.

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