FischTank PR is proud to share its support and sponsorship of Summer Search New York City (Summer Search NYC) a nonprofit that partners with young people from all over New York City to grow into the visions of their full selves through year-round mentoring, summers of experiential learning, and sustained support during the critical transition from high school to adulthood. Each year, the organization connects students with expansive career opportunities, showcasing their talent and resolve to cultivate business relationships and experience.

This year, FischTank sponsored a hole (we played, it wasn’t pretty) during the 7th Annual JMC Family Office Summer Search Golf Outing, held Monday June 21 at the Bayonne Golf Club. Despite our best attempts, we did not win, but more importantly the organization raised over $310,000 during the event, all of which will be distributed directly to the Summer Search NYC program.

The program serves more than 327 high school students, 364 post-secondary students, and 311 alumni, making significantly positive impacts for individual students and their families, as well as the greater New York City region. In fact, Summer Search NYC’s 2020 results are reflected in its 100% high school graduation rate and 100% college acceptance rate into a two- or four-year post-secondary institution, clearly demonstrating the efficacy of the program.

FischTank PR is proud of its ongoing pro bono efforts for nonprofits and charitable organizations throughout the country, including several specifically in the greater New York City region. We also prioritize education, and are dedicated to advancing knowledge, resources and public information, especially for those considered disadvantaged or who are first generation citizens/students. We look forward to continuing to support Summer Search for years to come.

To learn more about or donate to the Summer Search NYC organization, please click here. To read about this week’s fundraiser, please click here.

FischTank PRnonprofit prNYC PR firmPhilanthropySummer Search NYC

Eric Fischgrund

Eric Fischgrund is a father, husband, entrepreneur, writer, sports fan, music-lover, and founder and CEO of FischTank PR, a public relations and marketing firm based in NYC.

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